Brotherhood Crusade and Phalanx Family Services are Advancing with Purpose

Black History Month provides the opportunity to commemorate the many achievements of Black Americans throughout history. It also offers us the opportunity to highlight the actions of those who are working to build a better, more inclusive future now.
At Paychex, we’re fortunate to see examples of this every day from our very own employees and our clients. We’re proud to share their stories here.

Celebrating 52 years of service to the Los Angeles community, Brotherhood Crusade was created to champion equality and equity by removing the barriers that deter the pursuit of personal success.
Brotherhood Crusade works to create opportunities for a better quality of life. They encourage health and wellness and facilitate academic success. Personal and social growth is a core component of their charter—they provide access to artistic excellence and cultural awareness. Economic growth too is critical by increasing financial literacy and building community agencies and institutions.
The Brotherhood Crusade team envisions a South Los Angeles devoid of health disparities, disenfranchisement, and poverty-associated public health conditions.
“As soon as I took over this account and saw the name, Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, I went straight to their website and was warmed to the core to see all of the great programs they offer our community and the long history of the organization,” says Jackie Guillen, Paychex service specialist. “They are in the field, guiding our youth, nurturing minds, and giving opportunities to experiences that would otherwise not be available. I love working with EJ and Maybelline from Brotherhood Crusade. We have a great partnership, and it’s a true honor to be working so closely with those impacting change in today’s world.”

While phalanx may be an unfamiliar term to some, it has a long and storied tradition, originating from ancient Greece. It describes the close, deep ranks of Grecian soldiers that allowed them to advance with a single purpose. The imagery of this powerful, uniting force was also the inspiration for Phalanx Family Services and its mission to act as a close-knit body, unified by a common goal.
Founded in 2003, Phalanx Family Services' management staff has more than 120 cumulative years’ experience providing workforce development solutions and strength-based social services to disadvantaged and at-risk individuals living and working in Chicago. Phalanx Family Services helps build emotionally healthy, self-sufficient families in a community where they can thrive.
They accomplish this by assisting economically disadvantaged youth and families in the pursuit of self-sufficiency through employment-centered programs, mentoring, advocacy, and workforce development solutions. The organization’s strength-based social services meet each client's needs, and their plans are developed for individual success.
“They’ve shown me the true sense of how a family operates and takes care of each other. Every employee they have is beautiful inside and out. No matter an individual’s circumstance, when they walk into the threshold of Phalanx, they are treated with respect and kindness,” according to Sharon Lewis, a Paychex HR Consultant working with Phalanx as a client since 2009.
While February marks Black History Month, at Paychex we celebrate our employees' and clients' diversity and voices year-round. Our commitment to corporate social responsibility leads with inclusion and initiating conversations that lead to positive and sustainable change in our internal and external communities. There are more stories to tell. Stay tuned to our LinkedIn or Twitter to see them throughout the year.