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Your Potential Odds of a Workplace Injury or Illness

  • Recursos humanos
  • Artículo
  • Lectura de 6 minutos
  • Last Updated: 02/10/2017

Información sobre enfermedades y lesiones en el lugar de trabajo por industria.
In 2015, roughly 3.7 million workers experienced injuries or illnesses at work. What are the odds of injury or illness in your industry? Find out with the interactive calculator!

Table of Contents

In 2015, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 3.7 million private and public sector workers experienced injuries or illnesses in the workplace. These incidents resulted in a total of over 1.1 million days off of work while the affected workers recuperated.

Based on the BLS reports, we created an interactive calculator that allows you to input your industry to learn three facts: your possible likelihood of experiencing an injury or illness at work, the average time needed to recover, and the most common reason for workplace incidents within your industry.

Our hope is that by learning more about the specific risks associated with your industry, you can more effectively take steps to increase your safety at work.


We used the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics report to determine the median days away from work for different occupations, percentage of workers affected, and the most common reasons for injury or illness.


This calculator is designed to be an informational and educational tool only, and does not constitute workplace safety advice. We strongly recommend you seek the advice of legal and safety professionals that are specific to your place of work. The results presented by this calculator are an approximation and may not reflect the actual cause of injury, number of days away from work, or percentage of workers affected. Paychex is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this calculator. Paychex is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.


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* Este contenido es solo para fines educativos, no tiene por objeto proporcionar asesoría jurídica específica y no debe utilizarse en sustitución de la asesoría jurídica de un abogado u otro profesional calificado. Es posible que la información no refleje los cambios más recientes en la legislación, la cual podrá modificarse sin previo aviso y no se garantiza que esté completa, correcta o actualizada.

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