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empleados que trabajan juntos en la oficina

Create a Place Where Employees Want to Work

Two in five employees are reporting mental health issues and stress.1 We have the HR solutions to help you address this very real issue — to potentially improve your workforce productivity, recruiting, and retention.

Employee Wellness Resources

  • Download the Guide

    página de portada de la guía de salud mental

    Make Employee Health a Priority — A Guide to Workplace Mental Health

    Many employees experience depression, anxiety, insomnia, and lack of motivation. Learn how the right benefits can help improve workplace wellness.

    Get the Guide

  • Read the Article

    artículo sobre los efectos de la salud mental en el lugar de trabajo

    Effects of Mental Health in the Workplace and Why It’s Important

    See what causes poor mental health at work and steps you can take today to address the four pillars of employee wellness in your workplace.

    Aprenda más

  • Watch the Video

    video sobre la importancia de priorizar la salud mental

    Video: The Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

    About 80% of employees aged 18 to 39 say mental health benefits will factor in selecting their next job. Are you ready to make it a priority?

    Watch Now

Support Employee Wellness With Paychex HR

Your employee’s wellbeing is critical to productivity, loyalty, and engagement.1 Paychex can help you find benefits to help address their emotional, financial, physical, and social wellness.

Mental Health

Offer support and connect better with employees with employee assistance programs (EAP) for confidential mental health support, flexible scheduling, and professional development tools.

Physical Health

Provide comprehensive benefits to improve physical well-being with group health insurance, vision, dental, wellness programs, and disability coverage.

Financial Health

Help enable financial peace of mind with retirement plans to reduce stress and financial wellness programs to help employees save for the future.

Social Health

Improve workplace culture by connecting with employees and showing them that they’re being heard with employee surveys to help understand wellness needs.

Start the Conversation

Let’s talk about improving employee wellness in your workplace today.