Promote Your FSA to Employees
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) remain a valuable benefit for employees and employers but only if they are fully taken advantage of. Employers who don't actively conduct open enrollment campaigns could be leaving money on the table as the return on investment (ROI) for having an FSA is among the very best in health care. This site is designed to help learn how an FSA works and encourage participation.
Below are resources designed to encourage your employees to take action and enroll for the new plan year.
Questions? Call 800-472-0072 (FSA option)
Enrollment Email
This method of communication is effective for employees who check email throughout the day. Simply copy and paste this content (depending on your FSA plan type) into an email and send away!
Grace Period Options
Grace Period Options
Grace Period Instructions
Step 1. Download the FSA Deduction Worksheet and Employee Enrollment Information booklet.
Step 2. Copy and paste the subject line and body content into a new email, as well as attach the documents from step 1.
Step 3. Send the email to your employees to encourage participation -- and start saving an average of $115 per participant! (Note: Employer tax savings amount is based on an average employee contribution of $1,500 and a FICA tax rate of 7.65%.)
Subject Line for Your Email
Get 2 ½ Extra Months to Use your FSA Funds
Body Content for Your Email
Dear Valued Employee:
When you enroll in a health flexible spending account (FSA), deductions come out of your paycheck before most withholding taxes are computed, reducing your taxable income and increasing your take-home pay!
Your FSA program has a built-in grace period, which allows you to incur expenses until March 15 that can be reimbursed from your previous year's funds.
This is great news for you because:
- You can worry less about forfeiting unused funds at the end of the calendar year!
- During the grace period, you can combine funds from the previous year and the current year for health expenses that occur prior to March 15.
Start Small. You don't have to invest a lot. Even if you only contribute $250 annually, you'll be surprised at how quickly your medical expenses add up and how much you can save.
Budgeting Made Simple. Regular payroll deductions help you spread out medical, dental, vision, orthodontia, and dependent care expenses over the year.
Enroll. You can enroll on our participant website at or by phone at 877-244-1771. You can also contact your employer to obtain a paper form. Be sure to visit our website to access valuable resources, including a calculator that can help you determine how much to contribute.
If you have questions about this option or other changes to your plan, please consult your employer.
Paychex Section 125 Department
Carryover Option
Carryover Option
Carryover Instructions
Step 1. Download the Employee Enrollment Information booklet.
Step 2. Copy and paste the subject line and body content into a new email, as well as attach the documents from step 1.
Step 3. Send the email to your employees, to encourage participation -- and start saving an average of $115 per participant! (Note: Employer tax savings amount is based on an average employee contribution of $1,500 and a FICA tax rate of 7.65%.)
Subject Line for Your Email
Carry Over Up to $500 of Unused FSA Funds into the Next Year Plan
Body Content for Your Email
Dear Valued Employee:
When you enroll in a health flexible spending account (FSA), deductions come out of your paycheck before most withholding taxes are computed, reducing your taxable income and increasing your take-home pay!
The "Use It or Lose It" provision has changed to allow the rollover of health FSA funds. This means that the risk of losing your FSA healthcare contributions at the end of the year is reduced.
This is great news for you because:
- At the end of the plan year, you can roll over up to $500 of unused health FSA funds into the next plan year — and worry less about forfeiting unused funds at the end of the year!
Start Small. You don't have to invest a lot. Even if you only contribute $250 annually, you'll be surprised at how quickly your medical expenses add up and how much you can save.
Budgeting Made Simple. Regular payroll deductions help you spread out medical, dental, vision, orthodontia, and dependent care expenses over the year.
Enroll. You can enroll on our participant website at or by phone at 877-244-1771. You can also contact your employer to obtain a paper form. Be sure to visit our website to access valuable resources, including a calculator that can help you determine how much to contribute.
If you have questions about this option or other changes to your plan, please consult your employer.
Paychex Section 125 Department
Enrollment Flyer
This flyer can be posted on your intranet, distributed by email, handed out, or sent to employees' home addresses. Enrollment related materials mailed to employees' homes have a greater chance of being acted upon by the decision-maker in that situation.
Enrollment Poster
This method of communication is effective if your employees work in a factory, retail setting, or distribution center.
HR Department Worksheet - Changing Common Misconceptions About FSAs
When questions arise, your benefits coordinator or HR contact can use this simple worksheet to change common misconceptions about FSAs and support your open enrollment effort.
Employee Booklet
Send this to employees to help understand how to enroll, how much they should contribute, and what reimbursements they can submit.
FSA Demo to Start an Open Enrollment Meeting or Webinar
Use this demo to introduce the topic at a live, open enrollment employee meeting. If your employees are dispersed across multiple locations, webinars are provided.

Helping Your Employees Enroll
There are three ways your employees can enroll in your FSA plan:
To Enroll Online
To Enroll Online
Your employees have the opportunity to enroll, make contributions, and modify elections directly online.
For their convenience, they will not be required to re-enroll in the FSA plan each year. Once enrolled, they continue to participate in the plan until they choose to cease participation or modify election amounts during annual enrollment. If they do not submit a change, the annual election amount currently on file will be used for the following plan year. To enroll online, employees should:
- Access Paychex FSA Online. If you have not already registered, select Register for a New Account and follow the prompts.
- Log on by entering your username and password and selecting your security image.
- Select Paychex Benefit Account.
- Follow the prompts and instructions to access your account and enroll.
Download the Flexible Spending Account online enrollment instructions. (PDF)
View our Flexible Spending Account online enrollment tutorial.
To Enroll By Phone
To Enroll By Phone
- Dial 877-244-1771.
- Listen to the options and select Flexible Spending.
- Enter your Social Security number.
- You will be prompted to create a four-digit PIN. If you already have a PIN, enter it now.
- If you have forgotten your PIN, you will have an opportunity to recreate it.
- Select Enroll or Make Qualifying Event Changes.
- Select Enroll.
- Select Dependent Care and/or Medical.
- Enter the amount you would like to contribute. You can enter the annual or per-pay-period contributions.
To Enroll By Mail
To Enroll By Mail
Send your employees one of these two forms:
Enrollment Form For employers who DO contribute to their employees' FSA
Enrollment Form For employers who DO NOT contribute to their employees' FSA