Mobile Access of HR Information is High and Rapidly Growing
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6 min. Read
Last Updated: 03/20/2015

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Mobile access to human resource (HR) data is on the rise and the trend is expected to continue. Employees are increasingly using mobile devices to access payroll, benefits, and other employment information. Meanwhile, managers are using mobile devices to approve time cards, review expense reports, and complete payroll administration tasks. Flurry Analytics estimates that mobile app usage increased by 76 percent in 2014. They report seeing a shift in the growth of mobile apps for entertainment to apps that help us with everyday tasks. Every element of our lives is taking on a mobile dimension, and access to human resource data on mobile devices provides your staff with the flexibility they need to work anywhere and anytime. Here’s a closer look at what business leaders need to know about this important issue.
Time Punching and Approvals
The right time and labor solutions help streamline staff time reporting, processing time-off requests, and managerial oversight and workforce planning. Companies are increasingly seeking solutions that integrate with mobile devices. Mobile time punching helps keep time reports accurate, without creating backlogs at physical time punch stations at the end of the day or shift changes. Many of today’s top programs leverage the GPS capabilities of mobile phones to integrate a geographic and timestamp verification that reinforces the accuracy of workforce data. Mobile time and attendance systems allow your managers and executive team to access the information that they need, when they need it, and to complete administrative work such as approving time or vacation requests from their smartphone or tablet.
Expense Report Submissions
Mobile expense report submissions offer numerous benefits to companies. Staff has the ability to quickly record expenses on the go, categorize them by project, and submit an image of the accompanying receipt as backup. This flexibility eliminates reporting delays and speeds up the processes of billing clients for expenses and reimbursing staff. Managers appreciate mobile expense reporting solutions for the ability to review submitted expenses, set parameters for company guidelines on expense report submissions, assign expenses to projects for billing, and approve expenses from a single touch-screen interface.
Payroll Administration
Online payroll administration solutions are increasingly in demand. Mobile payroll applications allow business owners to start, edit, and submit payroll via their mobile devices. It’s simple to access information such as payroll, benefits, and retirement account information from a single, customized dashboard. Managers are able to review cash account balances and other factors that may impact payroll from their mobile devices, saving time by not having to go back to the office to verify information. Employees and staff, meanwhile, are able to view mobile pay stubs from any smartphone or tablet.
Employee Access to Compensation and Benefits Information
Companies that have implemented self-service plans that allow employees to access and make basic changes to their information such as benefits elections, direct deposit, and contact information capture several benefits. Employee satisfaction tends to rise and your HR team can spend less time on routine administrative requests, saving both time and money. Today, employees are increasingly looking for access to this information on their mobile devices — especially in industries where staff may not have access to a computer during the workday such as construction, retail, or manufacturing.