Sub Shop Franchisee Scales for Success
Tommy Stuckey, a U.S. Marine veteran and former restaurant manager, bet on himself, cashed out his 401(k), and used his life savings to launch his first quick-serve restaurant, a sub shop franchise. But to focus on growth, Tommy needed help from Paychex to streamline and simplify a key part of his operation.
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Tommy Stuckey likes to be hands-on in his business, working alongside his staff. But as he grew to three locations, his DIY approach to payroll consumed three to four hours each day. Poring over timesheets and taxes was not the hands-on work he envisioned.
How Paychex Helped
After his first phone call with Matt at Paychex, Tommy had a breakthrough. “The guy was so knowledgeable about the product that it made me feel comfortable about handing over some of my business …”
Hear how Tommy streamlined his payroll, enabling him to scale to five stores in his first 10 years.

Success Strategy
With two of his sub shops on the Camp Lejeune military base, Tommy has hired several former service members in his workforce of 150+ employees. He manages their payroll with ease, thanks to Paychex Flex® Pro, which includes an integration with the Macromatix operating system
He’d like to purchase another five stores, and then expand into a different business brand.
“The sky’s the limit,” he says.

“When I look at what I want to do with my company, it’s really, I asked myself this question: How is this going to impact my employees? How’s this going to impact my community? The answers to those questions really pushes me on where I’m going to go.”

See How Tommy Powered His Payroll