HR Survey Results: Workers’ Well-Being Now Takes Priority

Podcast •

As the Great Resignation continues, new findings from a recent Paychex survey identify expectations around employee well-being as a top factor for workers, and further ranking among those most desired in a future job search. Yet there are varying approaches to well-being in the workplace for different generations of employees — whether financial vs. emotional or mental. Hear research expert Jeanne Meister of Executive Networks share further insights on well-being to help businesses improve employee retention and recruiting efforts at this critical time.
Topics include:
0:54 - Framework for survey findings on workplace well-being
2:50 - Financial wellness, overall well-being are top concerns
3:34 - Generations focus on different aspects of well-being
5:51 - Well-being benefits now key part of new job searches
6:57 - Does company culture reflect concern for well-being?
8:24 - Defining and communicating the employee experience
9:24 - Companies can now be reviewed, too
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See top findings and insights from the survey on employee well-being in our recent article.
Review our prior survey findings on factors impacting employee loyalty amid the Great Resignation.
How can a financial wellness program benefit your employees — and your business? Read our article.